The seeds are sprouting
I liked today. It's a combination of relatively gnarly parsing (two big sections with bespoke formats), state machines, and recursion. Fun stuff!
The parsing itself is a big part of the first part, and a big part of parsing is choosing the representation you're parsing into; I went with this:
type Branch<'a> = (Option<(usize, Ordering, i64)>, &'a str);
type Flows<'a> = HashMap<&'a str, Vec<Branch<'a>>>;
type Thing = [i64; 4];
fn parse(input: &str) -> (Flows, impl Iterator<Item = Thing> + '_)
Each workflow is a name, plus a list of branches. The final branch has no condition, so I made the condition optional. Parsing returns a HashMap
that maps the workflow name to its conditions, in order.
With all that, checking whether a Thing
is accepted or not is a short loop:
let mut flow = "in";
let mut accepted = None;
loop {
(flow, accepted) = resolve_flow(&flows, flow, &thing);
if let Some(v) = accepted {
return v.then(|| thing.into_iter<i64>();
fn resolve_flow<'a>(flows: &Flows<'a>, flow: &str, thing: &Thing) -> (&'a str, Option<bool>) {
for &(check, target) in &flows[flow] {
let target = match check {
Some((i, order, n)) => {
if thing[i].cmp(&n) == order {
} else {
None => target,
return match target {
"A" => ("", Some(true)),
"R" => ("", Some(false)),
target => (target, None),
This whole thing is a state machine, where workflows are the nodes; and the branches are transitions between nodes.
I'm pretty happy with thing[i].cmp(&n) == order
. order
is an Ordering
, which is what is returned by comparisons in Rust. It can be Less
, Equal
, or Greater
. During parsing, I convert <
s to Less
, and >
s to Greater
, so that I can check whether the condition is fulfilled with that oneliner. Pretty neat.
Part 2 actually reminded me of day 5, hence the title of this post. The core idea is that instead of operating on any single Thing
, we instead operate on ranges of values.
fn count_accepts(flows: &Flows, flow: &str, mut ranges: [(i64, i64); 4]) -> i64 {
let mut result = 0;
for &(check, target) in &flows[flow] {
let new_ranges = match check {
Some((i, order, n)) => {
let mut sub_ranges = ranges;
match order {
Ordering::Less => {
ranges[i].0 = n;
sub_ranges[i].1 = n - 1;
Ordering::Greater => {
ranges[i].1 = n;
sub_ranges[i].0 = n + 1;
Ordering::Equal => unreachable!(),
None => ranges,
result += match target {
"A" => new_ranges
.map(|(lo, hi)| 0.max(1 + hi - lo))
"R" => 0,
target => count_accepts(flows, target, new_ranges),
It looks gnarly, but it's not that bad overall. Our ranges start as four times 1..=4000
, as given in the puzzle description. Then, for each branch of the workflow we're given:
- split our set of values ranges into two sets. Ones that fulfill the condition, and ones that don't;
- for the part that fulfills the condition, count the number of elements that got accepted (recursively);
- the part that didn't fulfill the condition moves on to the next condition.
Because the last condition always applies, this way we eventually cover all4000^4
Very clean task with a couple gnarly implementation bits. Solid 19th day.